Robert Emmets GAA Football Academy

      “Be part of a team, a club, a community”

Robert Emmets GAA Football Academy is on every Saturday morning from 10-11am. We train on the field at the ‘8 acres’ (beside Perrystown community centre). Our fee is €55 per child per year.

What do we do?

  • We teach Gaelic football in a fun and non-competitive way.
  • We are an inclusive group and we strive to provide a safe environment for children of all abilities.
  • Training sessions are a mix of games, drills and matches promoting Gaelic football skills in a fun way. For the younger children it is just about having lots of fun.
  • Children make lots of new friends.
  • We have excellent links with our local primary schools, and we have a games promotion officer that provides in-school training sessions. Children from primary schools outside our local area also attend our group.
  • We train boys and girls aged 3½ -7 years.
  • We encourage parental involvement and our coaching team is made up of parents and also some members of our u16 and minor teams.
  • We have fun events throughout the year such as camps, Christmas party etc.

If you would like to join us then you are welcome to bring your child to the first two session for free to see if your child likes it, and then you can register.

If you would to join our wonderful academy or require more information please contact 083-344 8695

Contact the Academy