From this central location, you’ll find links to the upcoming Committee Meetings under Events, the tentative dates for the Committee Meetings later in the year, including the draft date for the AGM. Additionally, you will find the draft agenda for the next meeting alongside previous meeting minutes, and a submission form for raising topics for discussion at the next meeting.
Currently, this page is work in progress. However, we plan to have full details and content uploaded and ready by early January 2025.
Draft Agenda – January 2025
- 2025 Events – Committees & Fundraisers
- Initial review of suggested sessions:
- 2nd Thursday of every month – Committee Meeting
- 1st Thursday of every month – Coaches Meeting
- From the Coaches Meeting: A suggestion per coach on how their team can help fundraising for the club/their team
- Initial review of suggested sessions:
- Implementation of Club Lotto
- Future Club Branding Strategy for Website and Social Media channels
- Aligned strategy for Club Website and Social Media channels
- Main Sponsors & Partners
- Do we have a logo and links to ih Services (Sponsor of Dads & Lads)?
- Should we put A1 Tradesmen logo and links up?
- Remove Crossan Landscaping from page or are they paying for advertising?
- Main Sponsors & Partners
- Go-Live of 2025 Membership
- Adoption of Clubforce App – Pilot with Teams?
- GAA National Draw sales update
Draft Agenda – February 2025
- Standing Agenda Points:
- Review of Minutes and Actions from last Committee Meeting & Coaches Meeting
- 2025 Fundraisers
- Financial Strategy for 2025
- Where would we like to spend club money?
- Do we have the money to fund such initiatives?
- If not, what targets are required from fundraiser to achieve these initiatives?
- Do we need to extend our scope of sponsorship?
- For example, recent Crossfit Setanta arrangement for discounted gym sessions.
- Do other teams wish to build on this relationship?
- Do we wish to formalise the relationship and offer sponsorship opportunity?
- 2025 Membership updates and App onboarding for pilot teams
- Implementation of Club Lotto
- Follow up on timelines for Lotto Permit, sale of lines, date of first draw, prize fund etc.
- Monthly Club Newsletter: Volunteer to take this one. This can be delivered via the app, website and social media
- GAA National Draw sales update – drive sales! 24th Feb is the closing date
Draft Agenda – March 2025
- Standing Agenda Points:
- Review of Minutes and Actions from last Committee Meeting & Coaches Meeting
- 2025 Fundraisers
- 5 Year Strategy – Introduction
- Implementation of Club Lotto
- Review of Go-Live
- Review of Club App onboarding
- Follow-up discussion on Club Branding
- Kit Supplier
- Reduce and simplify.
- Currently 4 suppliers of kit. Select a single supplier?
- Assist teams with purchases to remove duplication of effort and misaligned branding
- Kit purchasing should pass via the club accounts to capture fundraising/cash flow and for compliance
- Reduce and simplify.
- Club Shop
- Single club shop with club commission to raise funds
- Kit Supplier
- Review of GAA National Draw Final Sales
Thanks for your patience,
Jack Boyle & Neil Johnstone
Meeting Suggestion Form